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- Duenix guide
- ------------
- Written and edited by Daniel Polansky
- 1) What's it all about
- 2) Using the game
- 3) Advanced options
- *******************************
- * What's it about *
- *******************************
- From 2 to 6 players drive their worms on the gameplan with the only goal:
- survive and kill the others. As they ride, they leave the killing line be-
- hind. As time passes, there is less and less space on the plan and less and
- less players alive. When there is only one player left, the round is finished.
- Every player being alive at the moment some of the other players die gets the
- point.
- Because space would be cut into isolated areas very soon, the lines players
- are drawing aren't continuous, but leave spaces. And to addition, speed of
- players isn't constant, but depends on altitude player is riding (brighter
- colour means higher altitude). That was it and other things you learn as
- you play or read in other parts of this guide (I would personally prefer
- to learn the things from playing and trying).
- *******************************
- * Using the game *
- *******************************
- When the game starts, you face main screen with six boxes for six players.
- Before you start to play, at least two players must be selected. You can se-
- lect player by pressing one of his driving keys which are written in the page.
- By pressing space you can start the game. When you press driving key more
- times, you select computer and one more time cyborg.
- Cyborg works this way: when you press left or right driving key, the worm
- turns as you press, but if you don't, computer drives the worm.
- When you press S, there shows a list of games to choose from. The games
- differ in gameplan, speed and other properties, which can be separatedly set
- in advanced options. Take a note that if you dont like picking nose in options,
- you don't have to, just select one of the readymade games after pressing S and
- see what it does.
- *******************************
- * Options *
- *******************************
- There are 5 option pages: main, settings, gameplan, record 'n replay and
- user gameset. The things you set in settings and gameplan are known as
- configuration or game. In main page, you can save current configuration,
- load it etc. When the game is executed the configuration saved as default is
- taken.
- ~~~~~~~~
- Here are lots of things to set:
- DIRECTIONS ... this is in fact radius of rotation - the greater it is the
- slower is the turning.
- SPEED JUMP ... this is steepness of the slopes on gameplan. 0 = no slopes at
- all, 95 = really steep slopes, the worm riding in high altitude
- is almost not moving
- LINE LENGTH ... this is the length of the line player draws before space comes
- SPACE LENGTH ... this is the length of the spaces coming in regular intervals.
- By setting this to 0 you completely abolish spaces.
- SPEEDING UP ... worms will speed up during the round
- FINAL SPEED ... this is the final speed that will be reached after speeding up.
- In case of not speeding up, this speed is lasting for the whole
- game.
- SPEEDING TIME ... In case of speeding up, this is the time during which the
- final speed is reached.
- SPACE KILL ... When the space kill is off and the worm is just drawing a space,
- he won't be killed by any worm's line. When it's on, worm is
- killed by worm's line anytime. Note that space kill doesn't
- affect killing at borders.
- BOUNCING ... when on, you can bounce from the borders. Try 'n see ...
- TELEPORTING ... you'll be teleported at borders. Try 'n see ...
- WATERING ... this is combined bouncing and teleporting. You bounce, when you
- drive at the border at low angle, teleport at high angle.
- WATER ANGLE ... this is the boundary angle between bouncing and teleporting
- for watering.
- MUSIC, SOUND FX ... needs no comment
- TURBO ... gives no limit to speed of the game. The speed is then limited by
- your computer's speed.
- COMPUTURBO ... when all humans are dead and some computers or cyborgs still
- alive, game swithes itself to turbo.
- CENTRAL BOX ... a barrier appears in the middle of the plan. Try 'n see ...
- CEN.BOX SIZE ... no comment
- THIN LINE ... Try 'n see, can't be overlooked.
- ALWAYS TURNING ... as above
- LIVES ... player can be killed more times before he's really dead. Note
- that no matter how many lives you have, border will kill you
- immediately.
- LIVES NUMBER ... number of disponible lives
- TEAM GAME ... players play in teams. 4 or 6 teams must be selected, there are
- then 2 or 3 pair teams. The pairs are taken from selected play-
- ers from up to down. Score in teams is shared. The one of the
- team that is higher placed in the main page, has a great advan-
- tage: he can cross his teammate's line without being killed.
- COMPUTER SCORE ... computer gets two points for survival instead of one.
- SURPRISING START ... At the start of the gameround, players will see no flags
- and they will have mixed colour so that they dont know what
- worm they drive.
- WIND ... sort of wind starts to blow turning you into its own
- direction. Going against wind is of course slower.
- WIND STRENGTH ... needs no comment. Note that wind was added for bored
- superdrivers, not for poor normal folk.
- ~~~~~~~~
- You can select one of the readymade plans in here by pressing D or 1..6.
- By pressing Y and then L you can load your own gameplan in Iff image format.
- This picture can have up to 32 colours, but only 16 will really be used. So
- ideal number of colours of your picture is 16. In configuration, there will
- be stored not your whole picture (it would be too large), but only path to
- the picture, so if you want to use your picture in configuration, don't
- delete the picture file! It's also wise to put the picture file into the
- folder where you store Duenix files so that you know to what thing the picture
- belongs.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This option was designed to provide you a chance for recording beautiful
- game rounds and replay them for your friends to see.
- When you chose RECORD, your game rounds will be recorded in memory. When
- you then face PRESS SPACE writing, you can remember the recent round by
- pressing R or save the recent round into ram: by pressing S. Note that R
- means that no more rounds will be recorded in the game - that is the way
- to remember, while S allows you to recond every round.
- When you choose REPLAY, last round stored in memory will be replayed
- (this you should do when you remembered using R) while when you choose
- replay all saved, all rounds stored in ram: will be replayed.
- If you make an assign "DuenRecord:" to any folder, all records will be
- saved there instead in ram:.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is a tool for creating your own gamesets (gameset is a bunch of 20
- configurations from which you can pick one by pressing a single key). To
- create gameset you need up to 20 configurations stored in one folder
- and text file containing list of these stored in the same folder. If you
- have this, rest will be easily managed by user gameset page, just try it.